So... what is writer's block? Mostly it is just not wanting to write, for some reason or another. Usually I don't really have a reason at all. I just plain, don't wanna write just then. I am experiencing that feeling right now.
Which brings me to the'how to deal with writer's block.' Well, it kind of depends on what kind of writer's block you have. See, the other kind of writer's block is when you have just written a lot and you are worn out. In which case, I recommend giving yourself a high five and going on a walk. Then, when your mind is fresh again, write.
But if you just plain, don't feel like writing, then just... play on the computer until your mom comes in scolding you and tells you that "We let you get that ipad so you could write! Not play games!" Then you are forced to write something, but you just don't know what to write about.
Now is where you have to realize that... you don't have to always write amazing, deep, well written stuff! Sometimes you just have to write a blog post about rambling... pfft.
So basically, just write whatever you want. You can write about your experience at the mall where the man came up to you saying "You like curls? You would look good in curls, yah!" Or you could write about how you rode a flying rhino through the green clouds of a world where pigs talk. Just pigs.
Just as long as you write. Once you start writing, even if it is a blog post about rambling, or writer's block, for that matter, you have already gotten through the writer's block! Congratulations! Oh wait, you haven't been writing. You have been reading this blog post! Now be a good person and go write about those green clouds and talking pigs world! Go do it! Now!
Or you could defeat your writer's block by commenting on this post, about how you actually read to the end! And then I can really congratulate you!
You are fun to read, Zoe.