Friday, February 7, 2014


Goals. They are important.
And no, I am not talking about your goal to get the latest iPhone, or your goal to eat the entire cake. No, I am talking about life goals.
Life goals are important, because they give people reasons to do awesome stuff. Like, why in the world would you want to, say, get good grades, unless your dream was to go to a good college? The only things that are stopping you from failing highschool are 1. Punishment, wich doesn't really work that well. and, 2. your goals. The reason punishment doesn't work is this: It isn't good enough. You see, punishment doesn't make you want to get good grades, it just makes you want to not get bad grades. Life goals, on the other hand, come from within you. They don't just make you want to not fail, they make you want to succeed, because it was a decision you made deep down inside.
So the question is, why aren't we happy just, you know, failing? What makes human beings want to be successful in life? Because we are different, that's why. We are different because God carefully crafted us by hand. He didn't just say "Let there be Man!" although he could have. But He didn't want to. Maybe for the same reason we don't want to fail.

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